3 Things To Know About Installing A New Faucet In Your Home
If you have a really old faucet in your bathroom, it may be time to upgrade the faucet in your bathroom. A new faucet can really update your entire counter layout. You can get make your sink and bathroom look classier with a new faucet installation. Here are a few things you need to keep in mind when installation a faucet in bathroom.
#1 Number Of Faucet Holes
The first thing you need to take into consideration is the number of faucet holes in your current sink set-up. If you are not planning on changing out your countertop, you are going to want to match your current faucet holes. Generally, faucets are built with either one hole or two holes. Make sure that the new faucet you choose matches up with the hole line-up in your counter. This will make it easier to install your new faucet.
#2 Height Of Faucet
Second, you need to take into consideration the height of the faucet. Do you want the faucet to sit right over the top of your sink? Do you want the faucet to sit high over your sink? Do you want the faucet to extend over the sink, or do you want it to rest on the edge of the sink?
Think carefully about how you use your sink. If you just use the sink to wash your hands, having a faucet that extends over the edge of the sink is probably the best. If you like to use the sink to wash your face, you may want the faucet to sit more on the edge so you have more room to wash your face. The height and reach of your faucet will change the way that you interact with your sink, so make sure that think about that before picking out a faucet.
#3 Faucet Material
Third, think about the type of material you want your faucet to be made out of. You may want the faucet material to match the hardware in your bathroom. Look at the hardware on your cabinets and on your shower and your tub. If you want your bathroom to flow together, choose a faucet material that matches with the rest of your bathroom. If you want to make more of a statement with your bathroom, go with different faucet material than the rest of your bathroom.
When choosing a faucet for your bathroom, make sure it matches the number of faucet holes in your bathroom as well as the hardware material in the rest of your bathroom. Contact a company like Richard's Plumbing Repair Inc for additional information.